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Money Copy was founded in 2020 by veteran copywriters who provide top-quality, professional copywriting and marketing services for financial and investment-related businesses.

Our clients have included some of the largest digital marketers in the world, including The Motley Fool, Kiplinger’s, Forbes Newsletters, Agora Financial, Money Map Press, Investors Alley, TradeWins, Eagle Financial Publishing, Newsmax, InvestorPlace Media, Robbins Trading Company, World Cup Championships, Lind Commodities, Refco, Casey Research, The Ken Roberts Company, and on and on.

As a result, we know what works in the real world.

But even more importantly, we’re not going to bullshit anyone. There are good and bad copy gurus out there, and, quite frankly, we’re not either. Everyone here is a working professional, not a teacher. So our posts and emails are mostly about the real world of marketing communications, the nuts and bolts, the headaches and occasional triumphs.

That’s why we’re only charging a nominal amount to subscribe, mostly just to weed out the merely curious. We’re not trying to make anyone rich by promising they’ll be the next Clayton Makepeace. We’re merely sharing a few tips and strategies we’ve picked up along the way.

In addition to our regular posts and emails, subscribers get access to the following:

  1. Regular Zoom calls about members’ copy and marketing problems

  2. Free (but short) copy critiques (so long as it’s not abused)

  3. Member discounts on copy assignments (30%)

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The best reason to subscribe, however, is to be part of a community of people face the same professional problems — which is marketing strategy and copy. Participate in the comments section, or support this work with a subscription. If you’d like, you can even write for us. We’re always looking for top copywriters because the demand always outpaces the supply.

To learn more about the tech platform that powers this publication, visit Substack.com.

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Persuasive, compliant messaging for business


Robert Henderson is a veteran copywriter who has worked for many years in financial, health care and other industries.